E-Line transmission with MACSec encryption

Product news

In June this year Atman expanded its offer to include another security service. This time it is an E-Line data encryption service – Atman MACSec.

The implementation of this solution was dictated by inquiries from clients who expect a secure data link from one provider.


How does Atman MACSec work

Atman MACSec provides end-to-end encryption throughout the network. The service is based on MACSec – the IEEE 802 standard that specifies the method of encryption in the second layer. It allows to secure links beyond external firewalls, e.g. links between two branches of one enterprise. 

The service requires installation of network switches supporting MACSec at destination locations, and the protection includes not only IP traffic, but also encryption of all protocol headers of layer 2 of the OSI model.


Example of use

Atman MACSec is an ideal encryption solution for connecting e.g. data centers, as shown in the figure below.


Why to encrypt data transmission

The Internet is a resource and – at the same time – a tool without which we cannot imagine functioning today. Unfortunately, it is also a source of potential threats and attacks. If we do not protect ourselves properly, its use may cause a lot of damage, for example, data seizure by unauthorized persons, and that means leakage of potentially sensitive enterprise data resulting in financial and image losses.

Especially, the issue of secure data transmission, i.e. encryption of data transmission, checking the integrity of transmitted data and verification of parties involved in communication, is essential.

The implementation of cryptographic protection mechanisms guarantees the integrity of transmitted information and confirms that the other party to the communication is the one it claims to be. The Atman MACSec solution is such protection.