More flexibility in Atman Private Cloud

Product news

The option to share selected private cloud components with Atman public cloud resources allows our customers to reduce the cost of maintaining a dedicated IT environment.

We are constantly working to adapt our services to the changing needs of our customers. One of the changes we’ve recently made concerns the deployment and maintenance of the Atman Private Cloud service. Now they are handled by the same Atman engineering team that takes care of the Atman public cloud environment, providing 24/7 technical support. This makes it easier for the customers to manage hybrid solutions based on both of Atman’s cloud platforms.

OpenStack in Atman Private Cloud

Virtualization based on the Openstack software was available in our private cloud services previously, but with no connection to the Openstack platform running in the public Atman Cloud environment. Nowadays the resource virtualization platform is shared by the two environments, and that opens up some additional opportunities for our customers. For example, they can freely combine dedicated and public resources within a single project, or build hybrid solutions even more easily than before.

There is also an on-demand option – the possibility to share certain components with Atman Cloud, that is public cloud resources. It applies to two components: Storage and Network. Some customers choose to share one of them or both in order to reduce the cost of maintaining their private cloud environments while preserving their advantages over the public cloud. The Compute component – the heart of the cloud – is always separate and dedicated exclusively to the single Atman Private Cloud user. The full separation of the private cloud resources is still available as well.

Advantages of the Atman Private Cloud service after the recent changes

  • Greater flexibility
  • Options to reduce the cost of maintaining a private cloud
  • Even better technical service
  • Invariably high security