Third performance threshold of Atman Cloud

Product news
No fees for data transfer within Atman Object Storage

In order to constantly maintain the highest quality of services provided to our customers, in recent months we have taken steps to modernize those parts of the infrastructure on which our cloud and object storage services are provisioned.

The final stage was to move the Atman Cloud platform to a new disk array. The migration went smoothly and without affecting our customers’ activities.

The effects of the change are as follows:

  • The stability of Atman Cloud services increased
  • Our cloud computing met the third performance threshold
  • The number of operations in a second for data in Atman Cloud doubled – up to 12,000 IOPS
  • The comfort of using Atman Cloud services increased

Also, Atman Object Storage was migrated to a new data cluster. The new hardware environment guarantees better performance and reliability of our services of static files storage, i.e. Storage as a Service.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that as a telecommunications operator we do not charge any fees for data transfer to and from our storage space. This gives significant savings to our customers, especially those companies that store 50 TB or even 200 TB of data at Atman Object Storage.